Whenever you enter a new hobby there will always be a lot to learn. This is a handy little guide to help any new people coming in to comic book collecting. Some of these terms/lingo are used quite often and others are rarely used and just down for reference. This is a comprehensive list for collectors, buyers, sellers.
This post is dedicated to the unique, odd, one-of-a-kind items in your collection. We want to hear from you guys on this one, so chime in!
I believe these are the top three things that all sellers get wrong or make the most mistakes on when they initially start selling comics. Read on to make sure you learn what not to do!
Last year I started the daunting task of watching the entire MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) including all the TV shows, snippets, you name it. The catalog is vast! I didn't realize how much content there was. For me as a kid growing up, I saw Spidey in movies where you could see the string holding him up on buildings in such a bad costume as well. Click to read which show were my favorite and one I didn't care for as much.
One of the most frequent questions people that are coming back in to the hobby ask is if they should grade a particular book? There are a plethora of questions to consider when it comes down to it. So here are some things to consider to help with your decison. Read further to learn some things to consider about grading.
A great way to fill the wholes in your collection without coughing up more money is to trade what you already have. We've all heard the expression that says that one man's trash is another's treasure. I learned this doing my first comic con last year. I had a bunch several doubles and multiples of issues that I bought in bulk. So instead of taking them back whith me I figure why not go to the other dealers/sellers and see if they would trade with me for some of their books. This really paid off as I was able to acquire a big chunk of books I wanted with some of my old new stock. So here are some methods to make a successful trade to get the book you want!
The first time I got a few comics signed was back at the Chicago Wizard World in 98! It wasn't as crazy media driven as they are now. And there weren't any big artists or long lines. It was Al Simmons from Spawn. I can't even remember if he was the guy it was inspired by or the actor that played the part. Back then I didn't even prep or anything for this as it was all spur of the moment. So here a number of things to prepare for a successful comic signing experience!
The local comic shop has long been a barbershop type setting for those that love super heroes. Meaning there's a bunch of guys sharing their opinions on books, characters, pricing, availability and scores. Similar to guys waiting for a haircut talking about sports and current events. In the days of retail stores closing and people ordering online, the local comic shop is a big part of the hobby. Read further to learn the importance of supporting your local comic shops!
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