What's a good book to grab now for long term hold (5+ years) that's under $100 raw now?
There's a new group of collectors that are now focused on buying books as investments. They are commonly referred to as "speculators" often citing a particular article that reveals a character to be introduced on to the big screen or make their way into a new series. Books can be dollar books and overnight, if not within minutes, climb to high value books often times 10x what they were originally worth. So I posed this question in a group I'm in to find what would be a good book to pick up now before it's out of reach. Here's a list of the books that would be wise investments in no particular order.
- New Agents of Atlas (All Printings)
- Batman Beyond Keys
- Star Wars (Old & High Republic and the Original Series)
- Chicken Devil
- Moon Knight #1 & #3
- Strange Academy #1
- First Appearance of Squirrel Girl
- Stray Dogs #1 - 1st Print
- Radiant Black
- Spacenight
- 2001 First Machine Man
- Canto #1
- Saga #1
- Crossover #1
- Ice Cream Man #1
- Longshot #s 1, 3, 4, 5 and Spider-Woman Keys
- Once & Future #1
- We Live #1
- Stray Dogs #1 1:25
- Bitter Root #1
- Darkhawk #1
- Nova #1
- Quasar First Appearances
- Alpha Flight First Appearances
- Blade #1
- Wolverine #88
- We Only Find Them When They're Dead #1
- X-Men First Appearances
- Young Avengers
- Anything Kang Related
- Spider-Gwen
- The MK Black Panther Run
- Shuri
- Nice House on the Lake #1
- Moon Knight #1 (1980)
- Mid-Grade Wolverine #1
- Dark Avengers #1
- Incredible Hulk #449
- Young Avengers #1
- Spider-Woman #1 & #20
- Anything Silver Surfer or Sub-Mariner
- Fear Agent #1
- Marvel Comics Presents #72
- NFL Superpro #1
- Black Knight
- Descender #1
- Star Wars The Fore Awakens #1
- Nocterra #1
- Spawn #1 Newsstand
- All-New Wolverine #2
- Paper Girls #1
- Y the Last Man #5
- Punisher War Journal #6
- The Adventures of Super-Man #500
- The Uncanny X-Men #282 & #283
- House of X & Power of X #1's
- Love is Love #1 (1st Harry Potter in Comics)
- Farmhand #1
- Contest of Champions #1
- Taskmaster #3 (2021)
- Star Wars Legacy #0
- Dark Horse Presents 1998 Annual
- Omega the Unknown #1
- NYC #4
- Anything Warlock
If there's any books you feel I've missed, please add them in the comments and I'll get them added to the list. Thanks in advance!
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