Interview with FB Seller and Group Moderator - Jourdan DeMoss

This interview is with a longtime seller and group moderator, Jourdan DeMoss.  I thought what better person to get a perspective from than someone who not only sells but moderates a Facebook group as well.  Be sure to check him out on Instagram here.

What got you into comics?

  • I got Batman: Mask of the Phantasm as a kid for Christmas one year. It came with a mini comic, so that was my first exposure to a physical comic book. I didn’t start actually buying comics regularly until well into my 20s. 
Favorite childhood memory about comics?
  • I would say it would be more geared toward tv/film as far as my childhood memories go, but that’s an easy one. I beat up turtles in time daily at my local pizza shop, as well as beat the brakes off my TMNT 2: The Secret of the Ooze VHS. So one of those 2 things are my fondest comic related memories as a kid. 
What got you into selling comics?
  • I think I got started like a lot of people; upgrading my current pc, then it turned into what it is today. I have a lot of fun doing it, and I will continue until it is no longer fun, which I don’t see happening any time soon.  
Biggest mistake you made when you started selling?
  • Not getting information on some local Dbag before selling. Can I say dbag on this thing? Advice to other sellers or aspiring sellers, asking around about big local buys/sales before committing. Chances are if the buyer/seller has some awesome books, someone you know will know them. Just shoot a quick text, it will save you a gigantic headache. Better safe than sorry they say. 
What’s your favorite character or title to collect?
  • Batman
Next big thing for your personal collection?  Your grail?
  • My grail is Tec 27. Maybe I’ll find one in the gutter someday. Next big thing I add to my PC is a tough one. I have ADHD like no other(I’m sure you can tell with the amount of freebie gifs I post in my sales). With how the groups and different sale sites operate today, it’s pretty hard for me to stay focused on one specific book. Put a gun to my head, and had to spend what free cash I have right now on one book, it would probably be a mid grade Tec 168 raw. 
Most unique or favorite thing in your collection?
  • Probably my low grade Tec 168 haha what can I say? I love the Batman.
Raw or Graded? Why? 
  • Each has their spot in my PC. With how things are going these days though, if you want to sell, slab it! 
Best find or score?
  • Attic find a few years ago. Ton of Marvel grails. Complete runs of Tomb of Dracula, Marvel Spotlight, Big Fantastic Four run from like 22-150, it was insane. I wish I could go back to that day, frequently. 
Advice to new sellers or collectors.
  • New collectors: enjoy it friends, it’s not going anywhere. And don’t forget about the little guys. Stan Lee was a little guy at one point. 
  • New sellers: keep it real, be yourself, and always put the customer first. Good customer service is like 90% of selling. Try to carve out your own niche with your personality on your sleeve. Let’s be real, people can buy these books from anyone, give them a reason to buy from you. Also, give back more than you take. Support other “local” sellers. It’s a great community to be a part of. 

A big thank you to DeMoss for taking time out to do an interview for us!  Be sure to check him out on Instagram here.

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